Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back to School... Italian Style

I'm just sitting down after my first day of classes and I know this might be obvious but I cannot believe how lucky I am to be studying art history, fashion design, and museology in this amazing city. I know that these next four months will go by so fast so I'm trying to savor every moment and breath it all in one day at a time.

Last night I had the best spaghetti at the restaurant Osteria Santo Spirito, for 5 euros I had a "small" portion of fresh handmade spaghetti, fresh tomatoes, and basil (their large plates could probably feed a family of four). From there we walked along the river back to my favorite gelateria and this time I tried the dark chocolate (dairy free) flavor, and absolutely died it was so delicious. It was THE richest chocolate dish I have EVER had.

I didn't have class today until the afternoon so my roommates and I went out for a cappuccino and a casual stroll through the Uffizi Gallery this morning... Is this actually my life?? From there we went to hands down the best panini shop a block from the Uffizi called All'Antico Vinaio. I asked the guy to make me whatever he would want to eat and a few minutes later I ended up with a panini the size of an ipad with fresh focaccia bread, a tomato spread, eggplants, smoked ham, and buffalo mozzarella.. it was 4.50, kept me full through dinner, and I still have leftovers... so it's safe to say I'll be going back there quite often.

(the Arno last night at sunset before dinner)

In other news, I am SO excited because my mom and sister have booked their tickets to come visit me during my midterm break at the end of October and we'll be traveling around the Greek Islands and I'll be able to show them around Florence for a few days.. so the countdown begins!!

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